Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Obits for Milton Friedman continue to pour in

The blogosphere discussion of Milton's Friedman's life and legacy continues to expand. Some of the laudatory posts are by conservatives who appear unaware of Friedman's early advocacy of the decriminalization of drugs and all sexual acts amongst consenting adults. Friedman was libertarian, not a conservative, a point lost on all the Republican bloggers. To paraphrase the title of a recent book on the future of the right in the US, this is the elephant in the room none of these conservatives are willing to discuss as they merrily go about appropriating the ideas and reflected glory of MF.

Many tributes have been posted on the blog of Milton's Friedman's son, the anarcho-capitalist economists David Friedman http://daviddfriedman.blogspot.com/

Friedman certainly wasn't a pure libertarian, however, a point brought out on a post to the Guardian's blog in the UK. http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/richard_adams/2006/11/post_650.html

Gary Becker of U Chicago has an interesting post on his first class with MF. http://www.becker-posner-blog.com/archives/2006/11/on_milton_fried.html#comments

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